Sidereus Wiki

The Icemaiden, Queen of Winter, the Snow Princess


A snowflake

Home Plane:



Cold, Winter, ice, arctic travelers, the Arxus


Rangers, druids, the hopeless, the elderly, survivalists


Air, Cold, Death, Destruction, Retribution, Strength

Favored Weapon:

“Winter’s Wrath” (heavy mace)


Snædís (sny DEES) was born to Gilana in the Second Age, shortly after she fled the Light to hide in the shadows of her own despair and torment. The One gave Snædís domain over winter, the snows, and the frosts. The One also blessed Snædís in secret words that, to this day, none save Zörena know. Snædís has a peculiar view on her duties to the world of Sidereus. She is both a bringer of death and a bringer of change. Her duties are absolutely vital to the progression of Sidereus, ensuring each fall ends with the frost and snow, and each winter succumbs to the warmth of spring in due course. Like their creator, the Arxus share many of Snædís’ ideals. Snædís is possessed of an unearthly calm, able to weather the most difficult times with a stoic resolve that would make her father proud. While she feels deeply, it is often said that she feels her emotions with such depth and intensity that she does not need to display them for anyone else to see. Snædís knows all too well the price of joy and the inevitability of pain, but nevertheless, she always holds out hope that the new day will bring some promise for the future.


Devoted daughter of Gilana, Snædís is a strange counterpoint to her mother’s eternal mourning and sadness. Snædís rarely speaks to her father, but has a shown a remarkable interest in his people, choosing to send her own agents to defend Dwarves in need. As a result of this intercession, many Dwarven churches of Snædís have sprung up over the ages. Tallis and Snædís get along rather well despite the disparity between their two domains. Tallis understands full well that there must be death for life to continue, and Snædís finds great joy in her brother’s creations. Her sister Selora is also very close to her heart, and the two of them share many secrets, especially during the Spring and Autumn months where Snædís’ duties are light.


All things come in time, as the Spring ends, so too will the chill of Winter. Show the people of Sidereus that the touch of the Icemaiden is not to be feared, but embraced. Revel in celebration when the claws of winter have all but passed, but also prepare for the coming of the first snow with anticipation and jubilation. Take in the total situation, being careful not to latch on to the popular idea of what is best. All life moves in a cycle, finely balanced so that the great wheel of time may continue. Help others to respect the Balance of All Things, and do what you can to hinder those that would disgrace it.

Clergy & Temples:

The Church of Snædís works ceaselessly to preserve nature’s sacred Balance. There are many druids and rangers among the Church, all of whom see the vital importance of ensuring that the Winter proceeds as it should. Snædís’ clergy do what they can to ease the difficulty and pain of winter, but also try to ensure that when and ending should come, it arrives without delay. The Church of Snædís does have a few major temples established across Sidereus, though most of her temples and shrines are small, local and hidden. Clergy of the Snow Princess commonly dress in silver and white, with a deep blue trim. When they do adorn themselves with gems they commonly wear diamonds and blue sapphires.
