Sidereus Wiki

Type: Supernatural

You have been selected by divine powers to accomplish great things in your life. Whether for Good or Evil you are destined to be a powerful force in the world. The divine power imparted to you has given you special abilities and talents.

Prerequisite: Any race other than Nephel, Spirit 7+

Benefit: This Trait is considered always in effect and cannot be deactivated.

A character with the Chosen One Trait has been selected by the gods to be one of their divine agents on this plane. It is up to the chosen individual which path they will ultimately choose – that of Light or that of Shadow. This is an excellent Trait for characters who wish to play a Paladin‐type character.

As a Chosen One your character has the following abilities;

  • Divine Shield: The character may cast Battle Shield as an innate spell three times per day. She may only select herself as a target.
  • Divine Armor: The character may cast Ethereal Armor as an innate spell two times per day. She may only select herself as a target.

When you select this Trait you must choose which deity has called you to their service. You may only ever have one patron deity at a time.

This is a very roleplay heavy Trait and should not be taken lightly as it can have dramatic effects on gameplay. Consider carefully when creating your character.
